Monday, September 01, 2008

First day of Spring

I love Spring, and today Melbourne is trying her best to get into the spirit of the thing. The sun has triumphed for fully ten minutes at a time before fading in the face of tougher clouds, ever-reluctant to relinquish their territory. This battle for the skies has continuted since early morning, and although the weather forecast (this city's best-known work of fiction) has it raining this afternoon, at the moment the sun is winning.

I still have a cold (this is traditional in early September), but the chills and fevers have passed and things are looking up. With the appearance of this watery sunshine, suddenly eating outside seems almost feasable again, or at least not completely insane. I must sweep the leaves off the table on the deck in readiness - right after I bring another load of firewood in. Strange town, this.