Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sweet irony.

This morning I heard three normally intelligent people on the radio bemoaning the wide use of blogs and such forums as Myspace. The concensus was that such things simply allow people who have nothing to say the space to say it, and that there's absolutely no social or personal value in the experience at all.

Then, over the next ten minutes, they talked nostalgically about how wonderful it was for them when as children they had pen pals and through them were introduced to new people, other cultures, others' lives and new perspectives. Sometimes, apparently, they even had the opportunity to meet them. "And it's so sad that nobody does that any more."

Funny old world, eh?

PS: I'd like to wish any other time-wasting talentless social misfits who may venture here a very happy Easter, whether you're believers in the miracle of the Resurrection or simply the magical combination of chocolate and a day off work. Bless you all.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Back in the Room

Maybe a fleeting visit for now, but back. All is well, but life has been full and busy and in the past few weeks there have always been things that took precedence over my indulgent little visits here. I've missed it a great deal.

Thanks for all your lovely and thoughtful comments on that last epic. I should probably blog some utter tripe now to compensate for its seriousness. Easy - here we go:

A Slattern's Alphabet*

* I'm not really a slattern, and my house is not this bad (not quite), but writing this makes it seem better. This photo, by the way is called "Marguerite a la cuisine" - I kid you not - and is by Frederic Tran.

A is for awful, the state of my floors,
B for the broom which is used for such chores.
C is for clutter all over the place,
D is for dusting, of which there's no trace.
E is the effort required to fix all,
F starts the word when I trip in the hall.
G is the buzz when I throw something out,
H is the hope it gets easier (I doubt).
I is for "in case", ('cause you never know ...)
J for the junk which I just cannot throw.
K stands for Kitsch, which I try to avoid,
L for the lack of a domestic droid.
M could be mess, mucky, muddle or mould,
N might be crumpled up sheets yet to fold.
O is the option of crying in sorrow,
P is the promise to do it tomorrow.
Q is the quibble of who does which chores,
R for the rubbish on teenage girls' floors.
S must be sanity, threatened by chaos,
T will be tarnish, which builds up in layers
U is the uses a sponge can employ,
V: Vaccuum cleaner - what a fun toy.
W for water which washes and cleans,
X marks the spot where a nail tore my jeans.
Y is the yellowing paint which was white
and Z is the zoo here that somehow feels right.

Mission accomplished / tripe delivered.