Ho Ho Hop

This is an insane time of year, so in case I get too caught up in the mayhem and don't find time to do this when I should, Happy Christmas / Hannukah / Jedi Holiday or Excuse for a Lie-In to everyone.
I pinched this photo from a pack of Hallmark cards, the proceeds of which go towards breast cancer research (well at least I bought the cards!). I rather like it - it could have been taken on any one of hundreds of roads I've driven along on country trips over the years. It looks very hot.
So, while you're all huddling under blankets and chucking snowballs at each other, I'll be listening to the cicadas and slapping on the sunscreen, wondering yet again why I don't do a cold buffet on Christmas day rather than the traditional roasts and hot, flamed plum pudding. I am however a happy slave to the habits of my youth; I did briefly toy with the crazy idea of replacing turkey with kangaroo, but the moment passed.
Big love.
Hi Margie,
I know there is a legal kangaroo hunt, having been the recipient of kangaroo change purses from my Aussie cousins on two occasions (the smell of them drives the cats crazy), but I am wondering if you're not pulling my leg with kanga meat. On the other hand, I'll bet it tastes like chicken.
Big love back.
I'd give quite a lot to be hopping happily with Kanga Claus across any part of the outback you'd care to point me to, Margie! Huddling under blankets is probably more realistic than chucking snowballs, so watch my evil green glow coming from this side of the ocean. I could of course always lob a few to-mat-toes at you to relieve me wicked envy.
Three days till the return of the (now) native is it? You must be springing like a 'roo yourself with excitment! Have a wonderful festive season Margie, whichever philosphy you choose to endow it with...mine? The excuse for the lie-in and having my own little natives close by is good enough for me. Lots and lots of love to you all, and give that lovely man of yours a hug for me too....(haha...i typed jug first! Well he can have one of those too...full of good Australian red!)
Word ver is still on the sub continental theme...susantra...sounds like a yoga exercise for your drunken Indian...!
Sucks...I thought I was first, only to publish a nano second after Anne Marie!
Now my word ver is 'parle'...I suppose this is some kind of parley.
More hugs xxx
Ouch!! I meant Shucks...I need to proof read even my after thought!
Anne Marie, no, I'm not pulling your leg, honestly. Kangaroos are beautiful creatures, but unfortunately they are in such numbers in some places that they are a pest to farmers and do a lot of damage to delicate natural environments. Licensed shooters (they have to be incredibly accurate) are allowed to cull in some areas and the meat is processed and sold (as is the fur, but only to tourists in purse form as far as I know!)
It's lean, healthy, and tastes like beef but perhaps richer. It shouldn't be gamey, and is best marinated and served barbequed and pink in the middle. I approve of it also in that until the moment of death, the animal is hopping happiy in the wild, not cooped up frightened in a truck with hundreds of others then herded into an abbatoir to be slaughtered in view of others. If you're going to eat meat, I think it should at least be humanely killed. They're promoting roo meat a lot lately - roos don't emit masses of methane like cattle do, so apparently contribute less to the ol' global warming. Wow - what a mouthful haha.
VallyP - are you under control? Must be the cold. Actually, photo aside, it's the coldest December here for ages - we've had 17, 18, 20 degrees C lately, not the usual December scorchers. It's a little weird - and rain! We've actually had quite a lot of the stuff. Hope it's falling over the dams - we're at about 20 % capacity at the moment I think.
I am VERY excited about Em coming back - Monday night at around 8.30pm, so now only two more sleeps. Like you, I am most looking forward to having my brood all together for Christmas.
I think you're right about Susantra - or maybe it's a meditation chant for a girl called Sue? Thank you on Colin's behalf for the hug - I will happily pass it on, and the jug too. Kindly return the favour for me with Koos will you please?
ps: zatchigo! Fear of ... Mexican food of some description?
Oh no - I lost zatchigo and ended up with rateeda. Even I draw the culinary line somewhere - I will admit to being a roo-eeder, but rat - never!
Hi Margie,
it's a long time ago, I stood here on you blog. Sorry for this.
Today I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a very good New Year.
We have no snow, but it's not so warm like in Australia.
Hope you feeling well.
Love from Germany
That is a rather surreal image I must say. Oddly enough, I could imagine a jolly Christmasy kangaroo ho ho hopping around in a jolly way. I rather like the picture too.
I must say I would find the Australian December heat all too strange an experience. It's the force of tradition I guess: snow and Christmas go together. Much like I suppose your Christmas preparations, even though a cold buffet might be better suited for the climate.
Happy Holidays!
G'day Margie, Merry Christmas!
I spoke with a friend your way, Cairns actually a couple days ago, remarked about the nice warm tropical weather! I have eaten Kangaroo down your way, 'tastes like chicken' lol. no really it was quite good.
Hi Margie, just to let you know we are thinking of you now. This time last year you were over here, and we were looking forward to our day with you in Paris. It would be marvellous to know we had the prospect of another get together, but at the moment, I can't see it in my crystal ball...it's coming though, of that I am sure!
Tell me the answer to the riddle then: Did the wooden elephant make it through customs?
Happy New Year, Marge, to you and all the family.
a bit late but just as warm....
Happy New Year to you and all your loved ones.
all my best,
VallyP just gave me one of those hugs that still make me blush - after 7+ years.
Turns out she gave it to me on your behalf.
Life isn't bad at all.
Happy 2009 Margie, to you and the wonderful bunch around you.
Happy New Year Margie! I see that Sydney is always first on news report in the morning here for the New Years. thought of you :)
Happy New Year Margie,
Hope 2009 brings you lots of wonderful things.
Appy noo year Margie boots...s'mee Sindybin jus droppin by ter send yoo lots of luv an lix fer 2009 xx
Okay Margie, big breath now....where aaaaaare yoooooooou??? Weeeeeemeeeeeeeessssyoooooo!
Oh Margie I am sorry for how absent I have been... just SO distracted!
Never tried kanga meat... but perhaps I will have to show up on your doorstep one day with husband alongside to beg a taste!
Happy everything...
Sorry sorry sorry! I have only a few minutes before scooting off again, but yes I am still alive, but trust me to be away when Stevie's fabulous news came out! I's also sorry to have missed all these messages when they first appeared. Thank you all, and I will be back to respond decently as soon as the holidays are behind me. I have almost forgotten how to use a computer ....
Margie, to be honest, I've been by many a time and read everyone's comments! It's been so crazy busy and not everything has gone quite as planned, - to my detriment - but c'est la vie.
So, as you sat in the sun, baking, as you feasted upon a traditional turkey dinner (good for you, by the way), I was huddled on the chair lift at -32 degrees (yes, you read it right...) frozen to the point of near catatonicness - that is now an official word in my vocabulary, by the way.
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Holiday Season and I and my family wish you all the bestest of the best for the New Year to come!
I've been by several times as well - just lurking. It is strange to think of a warm Christmas, but I expect it's just as odd to you to think of a cold one...er Christmas that is!
Have never tried kangaroo, but I would. Am not so sure about vegemite, tho :P
Hope your 2009 has been wonderful so far. Come by my blog and Stevie's if you haven't been. We're cooking a little something up ourselves...
Hi Margie!
Just popping by to say hello.
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