An indulgent post today. (Oh, all right, another one.)
This is a photo of my favourite chocolate shop in the whole world - and I've never even been there.
The last two times Colin's been to Paris without me (on university business, he says), he has brought back some of their beautiful little orange and purple boxes for me, filled with the most perfect hand-picked assortment of their own dark chocolates. Pralines, truffles, batons, nougats, ohhhhh... I am being careful here so as not to drool on the keyboard.
They are indecently expensive, but worth every Euro. (Guilt can be very useful at times, although he says he buys them just because he misses me. In the excitement of undoing the glossy satin ribbon around the box, I'm sorry to say that the reason is much less important than it should be).
I am disciplined though; I hide them from the girls, who have their own gifts, and sneak into my room where I have them hidden, eating just one at a time - two if it's been a rough day. Such delicious, secretive decadence! And there's no clue on the box as to what's inside each. It's the most luscious game of chance I've ever played.
The sensuous, velvety feel of a perfect chocolate in the mouth is one of life's most sublime pleasures. Those Aztecs don't know what they started.
Wow Margie, you do have a way of making sinfully yummy sound deliciously decadent/ What this means of course is that Colin is back, which must be special in itself, but those choccies..hmmmm, I think I'll pop over the border to Belgium this weekend. They make pretty spectacularly divine treats too. Hugs to you both, VallyPxxx
PS Hope your strength is returning in leaps and bounds xxx
'chocolate shop', I am drooling already :) Nothing like it in the world.
take care, xo
Onya Marge, but it seems I missed giving you support in your hours of need, but I am happy that you are back in employ. In Boston, the Café Fleuri in the Langhham Hotel does a chocolate buffet --chocolate soup and all-- (not in the summer season though, as I expect it is hard to keep the chockies em, hard) and it is the ultimate in indulgence.
Things are mad crazy here, and I feel like I am suffocating at times, but I might run away tonight with a bottle of yellow tail bubbly and strawberries and give it heaps. More a red than a white man, but there is something about that stuff that is very appealing in the muggy heat.
Be well,
I can't even imagine life without chocolate. It is its own food group, as far as I'm concerned.
Oh, Belgian chocoloates, mmmmmm. Wish I could just "pop over the border" to get some!
Mind you, there is a fantastic shop in Apollo Bay called Goossens which imports and sells only Belgian chocolates, and it is blissful. It always makes me laugh - the sign says something like "Antwerpen - London - Apollo Bay". Anyway, if you order hot chocolate, it comes as a mug of steamed milk with a separate dish of generous pieces of the purest dark Belgian chocolate. You stir as much of it as you want into the milk, and eat the rest. Now that, Vallypee, is decadence. And yes, thank you, my strength is almost back to normal - I'm sure the chocolate has helped!
Grace, you're drooling on your keyboard too? One of us had better invent some sort of protective covering device I think.
Hi Paul, lovely to see you! Chocolate soup, eh? Wow. I did make chocolate fettucine once - it was bizarre. Your eyes see a main course, but your mouth tastes dessert. Champagne though is always a good idea, as are strawberries in season, so I think you're on to a good thing there.
Anne Marie, you are so right! And if you eat the really good dark stuff, it's full of antioxidants and has no bad cholesterol. Also, I find that being a little more bitter, it requires a more sophisticated palate and my girls don't pinch it. Haha!
i come over passing out love and hugs and i get chocolate...uummmm
you are too good to me :)
I watched a brilliant film last night called In Bruges. Chocolate figured quite strongly in the humour about the Belgians...it wasn't always complimentary, but it is what they're known for, isn't it? I didn't go and get some this time, but it's sooo nice to know it's always there..hmmmmm....not that I'm trying to make yhou jealous or anything...noooo, not me.
no kidding, huh?!!
Ahhh chocolate... the secret food group...
Here, my favourite is Bernard Callebaut. And as luck would have it, there is a Bernard Callebaut just around the corner of m favourite Calgary tattoo parlour! lol!
But I have never gone in... I fear I might lose all control... but... perhaps next time......
And why bloody not! that's what i say Margie..you deserve to indulge yourself in the browny gooee stuff..i've heard it's got healing powers for when you have been out of sorts..it should be on the NHS!..
Oooooh, Margie, how delectably delectable (sp?).
And to think, I turned down a chocolate almond today!
And the ribbon is what makes the chocolate taste so much better!
"Life is like a box of chocolates.
You never know what you're going to get"
Cheryl Ann, I do my best, and you are worth the best.
Vally, you tease! The Belgians make such wonderful chocolate it's a wonder they feel the need to do anything else, really.
Grace, no, no kidding. Good chocolate is serious stuff!
Stevie, I feel I have heard th name Bernard Callebaut before, but don't know where. It sounds exotic and chocolately though,and that's good enough for me. Lucky you to have one so close. What's more tempting by the way, the tattoo parlour or the chocolates?
Gypsy, oh yes, oh yes .... healing powers, mmmmmm. Except for my skin, which has inexplicably developed three small spots. I'll pretend they're the result of eating too much broccoli I think.
Dale, you're so right on all counts. And sometimes you want the liqueur cherry and you get coffee instead. That's life.
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